Kitchen art - Let's cook!

I have always found simple, quirky designs for the house extremely appealing. The time has gone when people stuck to the conventions of interior design, and what we see now is a burst of creative output when designing homes. It makes sense; here is a place you will call your own, where you hope to be as relaxed and carefree as possible. So why restrict the look of it to the basic and boring? These days there seem to be many ways to achieve just the opposite.

In our home, my room is probably the pink elephant, or considering all the colors it contains, a rainbow one. And now slowly, I'm making my way to other rooms. The folks aren't exactly believers, so I must tread silently. But tread I will.

One such project, was some kitchen art. It was really simple to make on the laptop, and was printed and framed in no time.

Once I got it framed, I realized it would look much better if the frame was white, so I painted it.

I'm quite pleased with the frame now. Also, a friend has inspired me to make more such posters, so I hope to do so soon!


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