New things done in August

If you've been through my 26 before 26 list, which I hope you have, you'll see that I have 'Try at least one new thing each month' on there. Well, it's really vague, yes. But at the time I was racking my brain trying to think of things to put on my list! Something vague yet interesting seemed like the ideal solution. This way, I do at least one interesting thing every month. You'd be surprised by how easy it is to have a dull month.

In August, the highlights were definitely my twenty fifth birthday, and the movie in the park. It was the big two five for me, and like I'd told a friend many years back, this is the age of awareness for me. I can't really explain what that means, but I will say this, it was a very good birthday. The movie in the park was a pleasant return to Brooklyn. I'd never done that before, and thankfully made it back in time for the last of the Celebrate Brooklyn series. We saw Beasts of the Southern Wild, with thousands of other people!

Apart from that, I tried a cannoli for the first time, a food item made famous by The Godfather. I went to Washington Square Park for the first time. I also ran by the Hudson River. And hey, the barista at Starbucks got my name right, for the first time! Usually, I'm Bria, or for the sake of convenience, Brie.

I really should have held on to that cup.


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