Low waste living: Where I am now

For some time now, I have been attracted to minimalism. This started with my wardrobe, that always contained a pile of clothes that I 'may wear someday'. Come on, we all have this pile (or drawer, or closet or what have you). This was before Marie Kondo made tidying up a more mainstream concept, but I would routinely go through items of clothing that I had, and remove things that were old, or I just didn't like. But I still had that pile. Then, I became a little more ruthless in this process. This was after a realization that even though I had quite a few clothes, I would only wear a selected number on a semi daily basis. So basically, that 'someday' would never come.

Being in India, it is difficult to have the capsule wardrobe that is seen all around Youtube and Pinterest. The '10 items, 50 looks' seems intriguing and visually attractive, but with the sweat, dust and grime that surrounds us, it's not a very hygienic option. But one can still bring their wardrobe down to a more basic state, if one is so inclined. And that is what one did.

When sustainability and low waste living came into focus, it seemed like a natural progression to me. It's a vast concept, but to me this means owning things that you need, and absolutely want. But all along, doing it while being conscious of it's impact on the surrounding. That's what I get out of it.

For about a year or so, I have been trying to make little changes to become more sustainable and reduce waste. I'll get into more details in posts to come, but there are many changes one can do. And how satisfying it is! Some changes are easier than others, but it's great to be doing things for a greater good.

I have a long way to go, but isn't it great that I have this space to document the journey?

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