Three things this Thursday

Hello internet friends! I may be a little lax with the posts, but I can't miss a thursday, can I? Here are three things I'd like you all to see this week.

Taken by NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer, here's an image of the Milky Way's big brother! He has a very unimaginative name (NGC 6744), but isn't he pretty?

Oh my god, I am so jealous right now. Kaylah, from The Dainty Squid, has a bunny who gave babies in her backyard. All this cuteness, multiplied by four or five. It's just not fair, I say!

Ah, the perks of having a sister who goes through Reddit. You get to see the cutest and funniest things.

Talking about the older sister, she's going to be visiting soon! So I predict a lot of family time and lots of food (not to say that I haven't been gorging on all kinds of delicacies already) in the near future.

Have a good week, y'all!


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