The pursuit of happiness

In recent times, I've been consumed by a number of things I'd like to do. Every year I sit and make a list longer than the previous one (25 before 25, anyone?), and spend the rest of the year crossing items off it. Yesterday, someone asked me about my lists, and what motivated me to pursue them. At the moment I thought long and hard, and the only reason I could think of was that I wanted to. But now I can think of a better one: Happiness. Crossing things off my list gives me immense happiness, as does making those lists in the first place. I feel a sense of accomplishment, even in the little things. And this makes me move on to the next item.

Happiness is a pretty powerful concept, if you think about it (and you know I have). It's that simple little thing we often overlook when our eye is on those other things that seem more important. But it's pretty much the only word that's synonymous to a good life. I'm happy. Are you?


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